Poland - The second period - "The big box" - it is all about freedom - spring 2015

Video from our mobility meeting in Polandwww.youtube.com/made by Janek Puciłowski and Filip Raczkowski

Dates: 9.03.14 – 25.03.15 
The second step is to brainstorm on individual thoughts and associations. 
A poster of ideas.  You will be invited via emails by Polish students. You need to understand the purpose and the meaning of freedom. You should be able to identify major symbols from historical and contemporary cultures (people, literature, songs, national symbols, team mascots, birds, etc.). Then you are supposed to make a large poster of the pictures and abstract ideas (liberty, independence, choice, etc.) as a “word wall” related to the topic. The Polish students should upload the posters on our twinspace.
Dates: 7th to 19 th of April 2015
It is time for a new task. Polish students were told how to prepare The Prezi by their teachers but before doing that in their teams they are supposed to make a survey among the local people and families about freedom in the contexts of: (prepare the questionnaire in teams, please)
- Their own lives
- Their history
- National symbols (the birds, objects, etc.)
- Literature,
- National heritage
Next step is creating a graphic organizer (Bubble map) “Outside the Box”. Students in teams will improve their ability to compare different points of view about freedom and improve their research skills with a help of their teachers.
Students will create a graphic organizer with key topics and ideas (Bubble map) using Prezi. Students will create the basis for individual writing to become proficient in new areas through research and study. They refine their knowledge asking relevant questions. The deadline for this task is 19th April 2015

The group for Voicethread discussion and the group for writing articles about the Freedom. The first step is for the both groups is reading the book by Toni Morrison “The Big Box” and all of you have to consider: 1. what freedom means in this story, 2. what role the box plays. In groups students also gather information about the author and the book to learn about 3.the book backgrounds.  Do that task on Solvr (https://www.ncs-tech.org/?p=5721) it is a free tool for solving the problem.

 Then The first group will analyze if it is: an environment, a character or a symbol. If so, what does the box symbolize and compare it with their lives through Voicethread.  The Polish and Romanian teachers will show how to use the Voicethread and will be responsible for that task.

The other group will write articles about different aspects of freedom as the topic evaluation. Students will evaluate other points of view critically and constructively through our tasks which have be done so far. They should understand that people from widely divergent cultures and who represent diverse experiences and perspectives must learn and work together;  They come to understand other perspectives and cultures The articles should include the tekst and pictures. Responsible for that task are teachers from Denmark and Turkey, students have to send their articles to them. Then they will put your articles on ISSUE.